Legal body
Vitalitetsfonden serves as our legal body. At present all property is owned by Vitalitetsfonden and all activities in Avnø Oasis are run through Vitalitetsfonden until we are up and running and have created a local plan, which allows settlement and registration of separate companies.
Governance and organizational structure
The very first decision we ever made was to use sociocracy. Sociocracy values each member equally, yet everybody neither has influence on everything, nor need to be involved in everything. Responsibilities are delegated to circles with mandates to make decisions within their area of responsibility. A circle may need to gather information from other circles to make appropriate decisions. Decisions are made with consent decision making and may be objected to from anybody if they harm Avnø Oasis.
The principle is that influence comes along with responsibility, alignment, knowledge and long term commitment. Partners, explorers and volunteers naturally have different degrees of influence. During the first days/weeks the natural focus for new people is to get to know the place and the policies in play. During the first 3 months volunteers and explorers are not able to make objections and they are requested to discuss their ideas and proposals with a partner before they bring it up at a meeting.
Visionkeeper circle
To keep the vision of Avnø Oasis intact, we have a visionkeeper circle. The responsibility of this circle is to anchor the vision in the organization through establishing and maintaining an organizational structure that supports the vision and a culture where the vision, values and principles are lived. Because of this objections regarding policies and people in the project are reserved to this circle. Creating a new culture requires nourishment, attention, care and maintenance. Explorers and long term volunteers may be invited to take part in extended visionkeeper circle. But only partners of Avnø Oasis are eligible to elect and become elected into the visionkeeper circle.
Coordination circle
To coordinate daily operations through creating, connecting, coordinating and supporting the functioning of the various circles, we have the coordination circle. It consists of 2 members (visionkeeper and representative) from each of the main circles. The vision keeper of the coordination circle also is the director of Vitalitetsfonden and so is the representative (elected amongst the partners of Avnø Oasis).
Aims and areas of responsibilities of the community circle:
Aims and areas of responsibilities of the property and land circle:
Aims and areas of responsibilities of the communication and branding circle:
Aims and areas of responsibilities of the educational circle (Avnø højskole):
Aims and areas of responsibilities of the enterprise circle:
Any circle may create subcircles with the mandate to take responsibility for subareas and close them down again according to the needs of Avnø Oasis. When a circle creates subcircles it becomes a coordination circle for the subcircles.
Meetings, decisions and storage of information
Circles hold meetings, when appropriate. Transparency is secured by storing all decisions in our Notion workspace. Decisions that affect other areas of the community and not only the internal life of the circle must be disseminated to allow objections. Objections should be made, if the decision harms an aspect of Avnø Oasis. Objections are handled together with the ‘objector(s’).
Roles/functions in a sociocratic circle
The general responsibility of the Visionkeeper is to represent the interests of the ‘mother’ circle and AVNØ OASIS and be the guardian that the circle is on track, i.e. moves forward according to the overall strategy, and care for the members of the circle. The visionkeeper is also a member of the ‘mother circle’.
The general responsibility of the administrator is to create transparency, take notes during meetings, keep order in the circle’s information, disseminate circle decisions, and support members of the circle in finding/storing information.
The general responsibility of the facilitator is to make sure that meetings run smoothly in all ways, including setting up an agenda, inviting, and facilitating the meeting in a proper way.
The general responsibility of a circle’s representative is to be the guardian of this circle’s interests and represent this circle in the ‘mother circle’. The representative is also a full member of the ‘mother’ circle.
Other roles/functions may be defined as needed.
Feedback/evaluation structure in a sociocratic cirle
Finding your place rather than having a ‘job’
Joining Avnø Oasis in this phase of the project requires ability to take initiatives and responsibility, willingness to work both independently and collaborate with others. It also brings opportunities to develop leadership, organizational skills, practical and collaborative skills. To avoid stress it is essential that you find your right place and prioritize what needs to be done, because there is always more that also could be done. Although we aim to count engagement rather than hours and that you create your own work schedule to find your own personal balance between caring for the project and for yourself, the question about how many hours keeps being raised. The guideline of ESC (European Solidarity Corps) is that a volunteer work 7 hours per day, 20 days per month, cook their own food and clean their living area outside of working hours. In Avnø Oasis 3 meals are served daily. To keep the freedom of not counting hours requires a high level of personal integrity, flexibility, peer support and clear communication, but also supports that we all can find our individual balance between taking care of ourselves and the project.
Reward structures
When your commitment brings value to Avnø Oasis, you may get rewarded with room and board and participation in events or workshops (in your free time). Any financial reward needs to be negotiated beforehand.
Decisions are yet to be made about how we are rewarded, once we get a surplus. Also how do we define a surplus? Enough money to pay our bills? A surplus just on a particular activity?