Welcome to
Avnø Oasis Ecovillage

A place for development & co-creation!


A world where we compassionately connect to ourselves, each other & the environment.


To accelerate the transition that needs to happen in regards to health, work, community and resources, on the personal, cultural and social level, to secure optimal living conditions for ourselves and future generations.


We compassionately connect to ourselves, each other & the environment and contribute towards a thriving planet.


We are creating an ecovillage with three legs:
1) Cohousing Community
2) Avnø højskole (Peoples College)
3) Green enterprises.

We use best practice in all areas: Sociocratic governance, compassionate communication, regenerative farming & permaculture design, macrobiotic cooking …


Healthy and meaningful living: We are now 7 permanent residents and 3 kids in the process of developing a local plan that fits our project.


Curious to join us?

We welcome co-livers, explorers (potential future partners of the project), external supporters and volunteers.

Curious to join us?


At Avnø Højskole we share healthy and sustainable life skills for a brighter future for us and the next generations. Click here for upcoming courses and events.



We offer education in Health, Happiness, Green living, Personal and Spiritual development, Ecovillage Design, Permaculture (PDC) and certification programs as Holistic Health Activator and Aima Coach.


Green Enterprises

Our first green enterprise is Smart Garden Design, offered by our Permaculture Designer Helena Marchenko.

Green Enterprises

How do we contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals?

When an analysis where done, we actually contribute to all the SDGs. However the following ones are the ones we are strongest in:

Sustainable cities and communities

We are aware of nature's limited resources. We mitigate our environmental impact and respect natural heritages.

Quality education

Avnø højskole offers inclusive and quality courses that focus on lifeskills and skills needed for sustainable development.

Good health and well-being

We meet our real needs by living healthy and green, which results in a stronger immune system and less chronic diseases.


We partner with the ecovillage and permaculture movements and with people and businesses from our local area.