We compassionately connect to ourselves, each other & the environment
and contribute towards a thriving planet.
Our why: The world, as we know it, can’t continue. For centuries we have improved life by treating symptoms and borrowing resources from future generations. We can’t maintain such an unsustainable lifestyle any longer. There is shorter and shorter time between worldwide crises.
A solution will only work, if people perceive it as an increase in their quality of life. This means a total paradigm shift. A transition that involves all areas of life. Through co-creation we can secure optimal living conditions for ourselves and future generations.
Creating awareness of our dependence on Nature, while becoming an integral part of the local area and protecting nature's limited resources.
Living & eating in a way, where real needs are met, thus increasing strength & vitality for a stronger immune system & reducing lifestyle diseases.
Supporting the creation of sustainable relationships, communities, decision making models, leadership etc and creating awareness of rank, privileges in new and existing social structures.
Acknowledging all 8 kinds of capital – not just money – and supporting the creation of green livelihood & regenerative enterprises.
Connecting with true life values to create awareness that neither material goods, money, nor power has much value when facing death.
Being inside driven, making deliberate choices and taking personal responsibility. Living in the new paradigm and having courage to engage in an unpredictable world.
What unites us is the vision and mission of the Avnø Oasis project. We have no connection with particular religious movements, but call for a personal approach to spirituality based on presence and sincerity.
John (USA), Kristiane (Denmark), Lena and Olha (Ukraine). Kristiane and John are founding members. Lena and Olha joined in 2022.
Collaborators that have demonstrated a long term commitment and found their place in Avnø Oasis. Can be residents or external supporters.
Collaborators may be residents, temporary residents or non-residents and can be divided into three groups: Partners, Explorers, volunteers and external supporters.
Visionkeepers, explorers and volunteers and our 3 children Rada, Timur and Zoriana are all residents.
Several people are in the process of exploring whether they want to be partners and make Avnø Oasis their future home.
People and organisations that supports the development of specific areas of Avnø Oasis.
Volunteers: people who commit to lend a hand for a limited period/task. It’s possible to be a full-time or part-time volunteer.
The basic principle in our organization is that people and their qualities and ambitions are central. Roles, functions and projects emerge and disappear as people join or leave. We aim that everyone assumes a responsibility in Avnø Oasis that suits them.
Governance and organizational structure
The very first decision we made was to use sociocracy as our decision making method because it values each member equally and allows each person to primarily engage in areas, that interests them.
The principle is that influence comes along with responsibility, alignment, knowledge and long term commitment. Partners, explorers and volunteers naturally have different degrees of influence.
All property is owned by Vitalitetsfonden and all activities in Avnø Oasis are run through Vitalitetsfonden. Once we are more people the aim is that the partners create another legal body and take over the ownership of the property and sets Vitalitetsfonden free to invest in other projects.
Our buildings and the surrounding nature provide many opportunities as all our land is protected and recreational area. We have
Everybody needs to relate to money; of course also partners of Avnø Oasis. However money is just one kind of capital.
In Avnø Oasis we create value by developing activities or projects, producing something or serving groups and organizations. We aim to create financial profits without extracting the foundational living wealth of our lands and waters.
A regenerative enterprise may be defined as “a venture that proactively grows and cultivates the foundational pools of social, cultural, spiritual and living capital by providing goods and services in a way that creates net positive gains for the system as a whole”.
Regenerative projects/enterprises, project circles and project roles may be initiated by all collaborators.
Living in a community requires self-initiative. Living in times of a paradigm shift requires radical responsibility!
Connecting to the earth element is about dealing with the reality of the ecosystem and society around us. It’s about the importance of diversity. It’s about finding a balance between living in the new paradigm and yet complying with the structures and laws of the old. We aim to be realistic, grow organically within the limits of our ressources.
It’s also about connecting with the seasons and understanding the laws of nature and that the continuous shift between growth and decay regenerates all living systems, including our personal health.
Learn about our courses here.
Learn about options for visiting us, joining us or volunteering.
Read more in depth information in the 7 KEYS TO AVNØ OASIS
© 2023 Avnø Oasis. All rights reserved.