AUTUMN 2025 | Sep 12 to Dec 4
AUTUMN 2026 | Sep 11 to Dec 3
*including arrivals and departures
It is your pathway into a more joyful and regenerative life in any intentional community — be it a co-housing, an ecovillage, a workplace, an organization or a family.
The course is based on the worldwide-known Ecovillage Design Education syllabus (EDE), created in 2005 by two leaders of sustainable development popularization: Global Ecovillage Network and Gaia Education and is offered in collaboration with Gaia Education and DEN (Danish Ecovillage Network).
You will explore how to improve your life and contribute to a positive change in the world through the Sustainability Wheel, including the Social, Worldview, Ecological, and Economic dimensions.
Certified Facilitators
Enthusiastic, knowledgeable, and inspiring teachers
Participatory Learning
You learn through discussions, group work, and practical activities
You live in a community
Through common morning circles, shared meals, etc., you learn from the challenges and victories that are a natural part of community-life.
Student ideas
Many opportunities for students to share their different knowledge & experiences by offering activities or presentations
Creative Projects
Several mini-designs and a week-long complete community design at the end
Guided visits to Danish ecovillages and green projects
Health and Wellness
Avnø Oasis is a community with focus on health. Join morning exercises, use our fitness room, learn healthy cooking or play sports in the gym
It is 12 weeks long
12 weeks allows for more in-depth education and practice and it also allows for integration of the knowledge.
There are 5 modules (they may have a different order).
Each of them includes design time — sessions dedicated to individual or group project work.
Aim: to become a creative & valuable co-player or co-creator of a community
Aim: to explore regenerative solutions for your daily life, your community and on a global scale
Aim: to get a deeper understanding of how life works and improve your level of happiness and vitality
Aim: to understand the financial system and be able to create a more green livelihood with your personal resources
Aim: to use all the gained knowledge and skills to practice, get comfortable, and turn our wishes, ideas and interests into a systemic design
Various “Ecovillage Design Education”-based courses have been organized 350+ times in 55 countries around the world. We are connected with the network of the EDE organizers, so the wisdom of the past experiences continuously improves our program.
Our Community Education course lasts 3 months so that you have time to integrate the knowledge and learn the practical skills. Students and teachers live together in a community under formation — it gives you a chance to firsthand study how to resolve challenges that naturally occur. Besides that you have the possibility to explore, connect, and transform your life on a much deeper level.
We have a great combination of activities & free time for community and relaxation
Thursday and Friday are our days off. There may be optional activities, organized by students or residents
Field trips to nearby Danish communities and regenerative projects for 1-3 days
When Olha participated in the Ecovillage Design Education course in Ukraine in 2020 it totally changed her life! She is now one of the active members of Avnø Oasis community, a board member of GEN Ukraine, a certified Gaia Education trainer and an ecovillage researcher. Having a pedagogical background, Olha has coordinated and around 15 various educational programs and courses in Ukraine and Denmark. She is both the coordinator of this course and the main facilitator. Olha loves being honest, talking about deep stuff and making fun.
Kristiane is one of the co-founders of Avnø Oasis ecovillage and Avnø Højskole. Although she is an educated economist, Kristiane has taught health and well-being in Norway, Sweden, Denmark and USA since 1982. She developed the Aima tools for personal transformation in 2001 to support people in making a smooth transition to a healthy diet and lifestyle. She is a certified Gaia Education trainer and has created the first Community Education course on Avnø as well as the Health & coaching courses. Kristiane is a very loving, brave and empowering person.
Located in the nature reserve, neighbour to the sea and forest, Avnø Oasis offers a lovely setting with a relaxed atmosphere.
We serve healthy and delicious organic meals (vegan option available) and you are welcome to use our facilities: gym, fitness, art, woodworking, music rooms, our library, and co-working space.
You will participate in our international community, which includes joint decision making, free time activities and some household chores.
We ask for a deposit of 500 euros that will be returned when you leave – providing your room is left neat and clean and all your additional expenses are paid to Avnø Højskole (snacks, private car use, materials, excursions etc). Please expect around 3000 DKK/400€ of additional expenses for excursions and materials.
© 2023 Avnø Oasis. All rights reserved.