Our Community


Currently at Avnø Oasis Ecovillage, our community consists of a core group of 7 adults and 3 kids, several explorers of the project, and 5-10 volunteers. The total number of people staying here varies from 10 to 60+ people of different ages at different times of the year, depending on events, how many people are home, as well as the number of volunteers, students, and guests. We aim to raise the number of permanent residents to 30 adults plus our kids.

We are often 7-10 different nationalities around the table 🙂

As an international community, our main language is English. However, we want to stay integrated into our local area, so Danish is learned by the residents, and spoken in situations when only Danish-speaking people are present.

Living in a community can be socially demanding, but it also provides opportunities for personal growth, healing, and deep connections with other people. It is an opportunity to learn to find a balance between taking responsibility for your personal needs and the community’s needs. There will be people and situations that trigger your weak spots or bring out your strengths. It’s essential for an enjoyable community life that you (and everyone else here) are eager to learn and develop yourself through your stay and that you are willing to work with tensions/conflicts that may arise. Here you can find our procedure for dealing with conflicts in a respectful manner.

Decision-Making & Organisation

Legally, all activities of Avnø Oasis are run through Vitalitetsfonden (CVR 417046). We use sociocracy for decision-making and organisation. It gives everyone a chance to be heard and provides transparency (of course, if practiced correctly 🙂). Residents, volunteers, and contributing guests participate in one or more working circles matching their skills and interests.

You can read more about sociocracy here, in our library, or participate in our sociocracy courses.

By January 2025 our members are:

John (USA), Kristiane (Denmark), Lena (Ukraine), Olha (Ukraine), Lasse (Denmark) are partners of the project. Our kids are Rada, Timur and Zoryana.

Bob & Isabel are explorers. Hauke Christian is a co-liver. Activity partners include the board of Vitalitetsfonden, Rikke & Bernhard, Lucia, Karin, Alicia, Thias, Philippe, Christian, various members of LØS, who are teaching parts of our courses, and others.

Regular community building activities are:
• daily morning circles at 9:00 — to start the day with a song or activity and hear the announcements
• weekly sharing circles at 19:30 on Sundays — to share what’s alive in our minds and hearts
• opening and closing circles for people coming/leaving etc.
• Coordination group meetings
• Sometimes there are also womens circles, biodanza, morning yoga/exercises, video evenings and other workshops, courses and events organized by volunteers, students, residents or as part of Avnø Højskole.


Curious to know more about our community?

In our infopackage you can find more about how our working groups are organised, and the various ways to experience the inspiring community life with us.