SPRING 2025 | Mar 7 - May 29
AUTUMN 2025 | Sep 12 - Dec 4
SPRING 2026 | Mar 6 - May 28
AUTUMN 2026 | Sep 11 - Dec 3
*including arrivals and departures
During the Holistic Health Education you will be trained in guiding people to activate their selfhealing powers and increase your own health and happiness.
The Holistic Health Education is based on the Wheel of Health, which offers a comprehensive and holistic approach to physical and mental health by combining several elements in such a way that the body’s self healing powers are activated in a simple and natural way without the need of extreme measures.
A person is perceived as a whole of body, mind, spirit and relationships. The focus is on the whole person rather than on treating a disease.
Our body has an amazing capacity to heal, as it replaces up to 300 billion cells a day. A positive outlook on life, good living conditions, movement & proper nutrition naturally creates healthy cells.
The Holistic Health Education is a simple and effective path to activate the body’s self-healing powers – both in regard to physical and mental health. In its core it combines the modern Western scientific approach (epigenetics) with the Eastern energetic approach.
To become a certified Holistic Health Activator you need to complete the Holistic Health Education as well as the Mentor & Supervision Program for Aima coaches and the Mentor and Supervision Program for Holistic Health Activators. During these programs you will receive supervision until you have qualified to be on your own with clients.
Simple and effective path to activate the body’s self-healing powers – both in regard to physical and mental health.
Macrobiotic principles for diet and lifestyle & practical cooking classes.
Aima tools to remove subconscious programming, e.g. negative self-images, bad habits and old patterns.
Meditation techniques for peace, calmness and self-realisation.
The Holistic Health Education offers an early morning program and 3 sessions every day with 2 days off per week.
There will be a mix of theoretical & practical hands-on sessions, group work, individual work, and practicing to facilitate a clients process. Expect to engage actively during all sessions.
- Arrival: First day between 16 and 19 | Dinner is served at 18. | Course starts at 19:00.
- Departure: Last day before 11am | Scheduled course activities ends the day before departure at 17.
Optional activities may be organised by students, volunteers, facilitators or residents.
The Holistic Health Education consist of 10 modules. Some of them may be taken as separate courses.
The first 3 modules we share with the Activate your self-healing powers course. Module 3-7 we share with the Aima Coach training.
Aim: To understand how disease develops, how to create optimal conditions for the body to heal itself and how the process of healing is.
Overview over the elements of the Wheel of Health
The connection between body and mind.
What is health? What is stress?
How disease develops, it’s purpose and how to re-activate the body’s self-healing powers.
Connection with nature & the 5 elements
Body connection and various home remedies
Dealing with weight and eating disorders
Aim: To understand how nutrition affects body and mind and which type of food is optimal for different people and situations.
Choosing food/ingredients for health
Cooking from scratch
Nutritional content of foods
Energetic approach to food
Menu planning
Relationship with food
Absorption of food
How the body produces energy
Creating a stable blood sugar
Shopping for food items
Qualifying ingredients
Food and identity
Creating a customized mealplan
Cooking for Health and Happiness can also be taken as a separate course, independent of the rest of the training.
Aim: To know how the mind works, be able to handle what comes alive in you, find your blind spots & transform them into creative energy
Tools for self-reflection & transformation. Like a mirror they show you what’s going on in your subconscious mind
Increasing your ability to focus
Dealing with difficult emotions
Transforming issues into creative energy
Authentic relationships
Dealing with deep rooted personality traits
Goals & action plan.
New approaches to your daily life.
Problem solution.
This module can also be done separately as a Personal Development/Self-reflection course, independent of the rest of the training.
Aim: To master the use of basic tools and develop your ability to be present, create authentic relationships, park your own issues and maintain your integrity no matter what your client brings up.
Methodology, roles, interaction, developing presence and ethics.
Reading of body language.
Building capacity for empathy and authentic communication.
Ability to be solution-oriented.
Manage and communicate inconvenient truths.
Conflict management
Stress management
Handling of troublesome emotions
Clarifying vision & values
Goal setting.
Viable plan of action…
Aim: To bring the deepest aspect of the personality into play in your coaching, get a deeper understanding of how identity is created and understand the principles behind Aima’s Transformation procedure, which you may use to guide a client to transform their largest challenges into creative energy.
Content: Transformation. You and your fellow students will coach each other in full sessions, including Aima’s Transformation Procedure while you transform issues, such as low self-esteem, stress, doubt, negative emotions and relationships to creative energy. It’s a powerful process to witness in a client.
Aim: To increase your ability to perform a fluent coaching session and ask relevant questions from a broader and deeper perspective.
Understanding human processes and how our personality is developed.
Connection between body and mind.
Dealing with physical issues.
Recognizing mental disorders.
Referring to and collaborating with medical professionals.
Aim: To become ready to give sessions on your own and participate in Aima’s Mentor & Supervision Program, to get your Aima coaching career started.
Review of the basic principles.
2-4 coaching sessions on strangers, who don’t know the Aima tools.
You and your fellow students will coach each other on your personal careers.
Aim: To learn how each organ functions and how the energy flows in the body, understand if it is blocked, why, how and when bodywork, home remedies, special diet or movement is appropriate to use to make it flow again.
Body work.
Home remedies and Eastern Medicine knowledge to support your client in taking responsibility for their own health.
Using the macrobiotic principles for diet and lifestyle to guide your client to give their body proper nutrition.
A deeper understanding of what to expect during the healing process.
Aim: To establish a blueprint for an Activate your Self-Healing Power session.
Training to do Activate your Self-Healing Power sessions.
Helping a person to prioritize which part(s) of the Wheel of Healthis is optimal to use at this moment in their life.
The 4 quadrants.
Clarity about when and how to refer to other professionals and/or seek qualified medical treatment.
Aim: To become ready to do sessions on your own and prepared to participate in our Mentor and Supervision Program for Health Activators, to start your career as a Holistic Health Activator.
Review of the basic principles.
2-4 Activate your Self-Healing Power sessions to strangers who doesn’t know the concept to activating their self-healing powers.
Next steps
Kristiane loves to see people and plants grow. She has taught macrobiotics in several countries since 1982. She developed the Aima tools for personal transformation in 2001. She quickly discovered that they also had a remarkable power to activate the body's self-healing powers. With the Wheel of Health, she empowers you to create a healthy and happy life and make your own choices. She has taught the Aima certification program to people from 6 different countries and the Aima tools are soon available in 6 languages.
Located in the nature reserve, neighbour to the sea and forest, Avnø Oasis offers a lovely setting with a relaxed atmosphere.
We serve healthy and delicious organic meals (vegan option available) and you are welcome to use our facilities: gym, fitness, art, woodworking, music rooms, our library, and co-working space.
You will participate in our international community, which includes joint decision making, free time activities and some household chores.
We ask for a deposit of 300 euros that will be returned, when you leave, providing accommodation was left as you found it, keys returned and all monies due to Avnø Højskole have been cleared (snacks, car use, private sessions, etc.)
© 2023 Avnø Oasis. All rights reserved.