Aima’s Mentor & Supervision Program

9.600,00 kr.

During the Aima coach training program you were trained in using the Aima tools on your fellow students. Aima’s Mentor & Supervision Program supports you until you are qualified to be on your own with clients and are well on your way with your career.

Aim: to support you to get your career started and become a certified Aima coach

Conditions to participate: Completion of Aima Coach Certificerings-program with at least 96% participation) .


  • You will need to guide around 20 clients and each session will be reviewed based on evaluation forms for you and your client. Approximately 80 hours including filling in forms etc.
  • Weekly or biweekly zoom calls (as needed) to answer your questions and review everybody’s coaching sessions.
  • 5 individual Q&A sessions when needed.
  • Fri access to the Aima Coach Club club for 1 year to co-create an ongoing development of the concept as well as of each other.

Price: €1350/DKK 9.600



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