Terms & Conditions

Avnø high school is an integral part of Oasis Ecovillage, which contains three equally important dimensions: The Danish Folk School tradition, community and eco-entrepreneurship. This combination provides a unique opportunity to combine theoretical knowledge about sustainability, health, entrepreneurship and community with practical application.

Board and lodging: Avnø high school has three categories of rooms, single, double and triple, all with their own bathroom.

All prices include three meals a day (Saturday and Sunday breakfast and lunch are sometimes combined for brunch).

Participation in practical tasks: We have adopted Findhorn’s attitude: “Work is Love in Action.” Everyone contributes to making Avnø a nice place to be at the same time as we take advantage of the opportunity to get together, while we cook, wash dishes, clean common areas, pick berries, water flowers, plan cosy moments/activities for mutual benefit and joy, etc. .

So far we have succeeded in making everything come together if everyone participates for 1-2 hours every day in connection with cooking and other practical tasks in the activities they like to do the most at the times when it suits them best. There will be a list of necessary tasks and in addition you can use your imagination to contribute something that pleases you and others.

Admission: Anyone who is 17.5 years old and can pay the tuition is welcome to apply for admission. Each application is processed individually and answered as quickly as possible.

Cancellation or interruption: If you cancel your application more than 4 weeks before the course starts, the school reserves the right to retain the administration fee of DKK 1,500. If you cancel your stay after the course has started, you pay for the rest of the course or the current week plus the next 3 weeks depending on what is cheapest for you. If you cancel your application less than 4 weeks before the course starts, the same rules apply as for interrupting the course.

Payment: You can pay for the entire course at once or divide it into instalments.

Participation in lessons and other activities: Participation in lessons and other activities at school is compulsory. Of course, you are allowed to be absent from lessons and other activities if you have a valid reason and notify the absence in advance. The key is communication.

Guests: You are welcome to receive guests, provided they do not interfere with your active participation in the course. Guests must pay for board and lodging and the school must be informed in good time. You are responsible for the behaviour of your guests during their stay at the school.

Code of Conduct:

Our basic attitude to life is reflected in this sentence:

We compassionately connect with ourselves, each other and the environment and contribute to a thriving planet.

  • We expect you behave considerately and seeks to meet your needs in a way that does not intrude on others, actively participates in the community, use your mentor if something is not working for you rather than creating drama around you.
  • Respect your own and others’ private space and personal comfort zone.
  • Actively contribute to the creation of a drug-, alcohol- and stimulant-free environment where we try to listen to our own and others’ underlying needs. This policy means that daily stimulants such as sugar and coffee are only exceptionally served at school. Of course, we do not interfere in what you do in your private life. We are aware that some immediately perceive this as a limitation. For us, it is a desire to be in contact with ourselves and each other on a deeper level and to give guests and students the experience of having a real choice. If addictive substances are constantly served and you don’t know a life without them, there is no real choice. Of course, it can be challenging. Talk to us if it feels difficult. We are happy to help you find pragmatic solutions.
  • Protect our living areas, buildings and the nature around us.
  • Sort waste. (Recycling bins are in the entrance hall and in the kitchen.)
  • Makes sure to be in by 22.00, when the outer doors are locked
  • Allows you and others to turn inward and sit at one of the quiet tables in the dining room during meals when needed. It can be intense to always have to be social.
  • Only stay in the kitchen area when you are part of the kitchen team or invited to help.
  • Wash our hands before we sit down at the table and take our dishes.
  • Only use the kitchenettes on the other floors for tea and snacks – not for cooking.
  • Contributes to organic waste being composted
  • Only smoke in agreed places and never inside if you are a smoker.
  • Refrains from consuming, buying or selling any kind of drugs. It is forbidden. The same applies to the use of physical or verbal violence against someone at school. Violation of this may result in expulsion.
  • Use clean / indoor shoes inside the buildings.
  • Contributes to saving as much as possible on electricity, heat, water etc. Examples: Switch off the radiator when you open the window. Load the washing machine. Avoid running the faucet. Use a tub or bowl for washing vegetables, dishes etc. Feel free to find creative ways, – make it a sport to save for nature’s sake!
  • Refrain from drinking water from the tap in your room, as the pipes may not have been used for a while.
  • Don’t throw anything in the toilets other than toilet paper and that you don’t use more than necessary, as our sewage system is old.

For you who come from another country

Here are important rules and regulations from the Danish authorities that you must be aware of and comply with when you apply for residence:

You must pay the full tuition fee before the school can send you ST1 forms to apply for a visa or residence permit. These are the rules laid down by the Danish immigration authorities: https://www.nyidanmark.dk/da-DK
You are responsible for submitting your application for a visa or residence permit to the nearest Danish embassy. Since visa processing can take more than 2 months, you are advised to apply well in advance.
If you apply too late to be able to participate in the course from the start, the school reserves the right to cancel your participation or move it to the next possible start time. In case of cancellation of the stay, the tuition fee will be returned to you in addition to administration costs.
If you cancel your stay, you must provide documentation that you have not used the school as a pretext to apply for a visa or residence permit.
After satisfactory documentation, the tuition fee is returned under the same conditions as for Danish students. In the event of cancellation of your stay, the school is obliged to notify the Danish immigration authorities.
As the international courses are taught in high-level English, it is necessary that you have functional English skills to benefit from the course.
You yourself are responsible for what your travel insurance covers. However, approximately 4 weeks after arrival, students with a residence permit receive the Danish health insurance card, which covers basic health insurance during the stay.
Being in Denmark means that we must comply with the national laws, rules and regulations. Any offense will result in a strong warning and possible expulsion.

For further information, do not hesitate to contact us.

We look forward to welcoming you to a university course at Avnø!