Natural immunity simply means that the virus can’t survive long enough in a host to reproduce itself and a virus needs a host for nutrition and reproduction. Without food and the ability to reproduce the virus can’t live and the disease can’t spread to other hosts.
The virus’ incapacity to reproduce itself may happen because there is no food available for the virus or because the killer cells of the immune system recognizes the virus from earlier infections and destroys it or from a combination thereof.
When natural immunity fails in a host, the virus has the ability to reproduce itself and thus to spread the disease. While reproducing itself it has the option to mutate, but since there is no threats for its offspring, the virus has no compelling reason to mutate. Thus mutations will evolve over a longer timespan.
Vaccine immunity is created by injecting a virus or virus-like substance in a host, so that the hosts immune system is able to recognize the virus and kill it.
Some vaccines (like measles, polio and small pox) are so efficient that the immune system never allows a virus to survive long enough to reproduce itself, no matter the level of natural immunity in the host. In this case the virus doesn’t get a chance to mutate.
The Covid vaccine doesn’t offer complete immunity. Some virus are killed and others survive, which lowers the severity of the disease in the host.
So far so good. However, since it doesn’t create complete immunity, the vaccine threatens the survival of the offspring of the surviving virus.
This createsa very compelling reason for the virus in a vaccinated host to create mutations. And this is exactly what happens with the Corona virus at the moment.
Both Fauci and CDC have admitted that the Omicron mutation is being generated within the bodies of the vaccinated. Common sense predicts that with a high percentage of the population being vaccinated more mutations will continue to emerge.
learn more on natural inmunity:
If only the weakest part of the population had been vaccinated, we might have had the best of both worlds. A protection of the weakest (and thus less pressure on the hospitals), an open society as well as a less rapid development of mutations.
Natural immunity is stronger than vaccine induced immunity.
Natural immunity works, whether you are exposed to a flu virus, Coronavirus or any other virus. It doesn’t encourage the virus to mutate. The virus simply can’t exist in that host.
Increasing the populations natural immunity is the only sustainable way out of the current global health crisis.
Resolving it by continuously creating new vaccinations will continue to create new mutations, and there will always be individuals, who suffers from the first wave of a new mutation. Which is not sustainable at all.
Strengthening natural immunity allows each of us to take control of our own lives and support the community, we live in to get out of the crisis.
It is something everyone can learn. Maybe it take a little time. Or it may require a change of some habits. But it will leave us more healthy, independent and empowered.
Formulated in 1988 by Noboru Muramoto in his book: “Natural Immunity: Insights on Diet And AIDS” and slightly edited by me in 2021 as AIDS isn’t a topic of our time.
Now that you have assessed the state of your immune system, you may wonder how to change it. Some simple advice include, but is not limited to:
If you want to learn more about creating natural immunity, our courses offers several different approaches.
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